The Pirate Castle is a registered charity (number 1138787) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales (number 07370167).
We believe that nobody should face exclusion due to financial disadvantage or disability. More than opening up the canal as a recreational resource for all to enjoy, our stimulating and inclusive projects seek to narrow the outcomes gap by giving all sections of the community equal chance to participate in life-enriching activities and training initiatives that may otherwise be beyond their financial or physical means.
This section includes links to our Terms & Conditions of Hire and core policies which ensure that services run by The Pirate Castle comply with current best-practice and legislation. Customer guidelines are also included to help you prepare for your visit.
View or download our policies and guidelines by clicking the links below:
Booking Terms & Conditions [1]
Venue Hire Agreement [2] must be submitted for all hall / venue hire at the point of booking
Individual Child / Adult Consent Form [3] (for private hire, Holiday Schemes and scheduled Pirate Castle activities)
Equal Opportunities Policy [7]
Anti-Corruption, Fraud & Bribery Policy [8]
Complaints Procedure [10]
Paddlesport Risk Assessment [11]
Following the Government’s lifting of Covid-19 legal restrictions on 24.02.22 we have considered what The Pirate Castle’s response should be and what conditions / procedures we should keep in place. It’s clear that Covid has not gone away, so we intend to remain cautious to help reduce the risk of potential outbreaks / transmission at The Pirate Castle.
Going forward, we are asking that all staff, volunteers and attendees at The Pirate Castle follow the updated procedures below:
If anyone has any symptoms which could be Covid they must not attend The Pirate Castle until their symptoms have resolved;
We ask all attendees, staff and volunteers to remain respectful of others and that attendees keep a safe distance from other groups or staff / volunteers where possible, and that staff / volunteers do the same in regard to attendees;
Staff, volunteers and attendees should consider wearing face coverings when around other groups / attendees indoors, especially if safe distances cannot be maintained;
Be mindful of others when passing them in the building and avoid passing people on the stairs where possible;
Both entry and exit will be via the main door but again, please give others space when entering / exiting and avoid bottlenecks;
Please keep up other usual infection control measures such as good hand hygiene.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.